
Real Life Barbie Proportions!

I dread sunny days like today. I much prefer being able to cover up in my winter/autumn clothes and conceal what I don't like with black clothes, but in heat like this I have no choice but to whip out the summer dresses and let it all hang out. But I'm guessing a lot of you feel the same, since every other girl I have ever spoken to in my life has said the same thing.

So escaping the prying eyes of neighbours balming out the back in the blistering heat (ahem, by Irish standards), I came up to my room and came across these hilarious parodies of the Barbie doll. I can't believe these proportions were actually deemed acceptable, no wonder we're off our heads when it comes to body image!

Yes lads, very attractive. Well done on making this the female image that was drilled into every child's head from the age of three. No wonder Barbie never had hats, they couldn't find one to fit her abnormally tiny head.

I also came across this article about a girl who made a lifesized Barbie doll with Barbie proportions, to help expose how ridiculous todays "perfect body" and how it causes eating disorders. It's here if you'd like to check it out.

I absolutely love this next photo, I would have been a much happier and secure child if I had had this Barbie rather than the regular one! I garauntee, even the skinniest of super models are closer to this Barbie than the original.

So my lovelies, go out in the sun, wear your tiny(yet flattering) dresses and flaunt what you've got while pasty white and eating a choc ice.

Aila Maritz xox

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