So escaping the prying eyes of neighbours balming out the back in the blistering heat (ahem, by Irish standards), I came up to my room and came across these hilarious parodies of the Barbie doll. I can't believe these proportions were actually deemed acceptable, no wonder we're off our heads when it comes to body image!
I also came across this article about a girl who made a lifesized Barbie doll with Barbie proportions, to help expose how ridiculous todays "perfect body" and how it causes eating disorders. It's here if you'd like to check it out.
I absolutely love this next photo, I would have been a much happier and secure child if I had had this Barbie rather than the regular one! I garauntee, even the skinniest of super models are closer to this Barbie than the original.
Aila Maritz xox
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