
So you think you know me punk? #2

Uimhir a dó! Or number 2 to all you non Irish folk, of my 30 questions challenge in which you get to know me a little better.

  • Fictional Book: Well....all books I read are fictional really. I have read a lot of books(English student, hello) and I already picked my favourite book so I feel like they're just grasping at straws here.....but that's ok, I shall play along for you, reader. I'm just going to say the Twilight Saga, that's right I said it! I'm a Harry Potter nerd, a twihard AND an gleek! What you gonna do about it?? HUH??

  • Non fictional book: "A City of Surprises: Hidden Treasures of Cork's Northside". Such a lovely book comprised of beautiful pictures of my hometown along with interesting historical facts about the subject of each photo. Where I live has a pretty bad reputation, but this book really shows how colourful and cheerful the place can be! Also, did I mention it was written by my Daddy?

  • Fanfic: Well eh, I'm not too sure what this actually means. But from what I can gather, it's something a fan wrote as part of what they are a fan of.....e.g. a fan of twilight writing a 4th book, not actually Stephanie Meyer. This kind of sounds like the short story I wrote about Hermoine Granger going to summer camp while away from Hogwarts...that enough info for the question? The embarrassing Harry Potter thing making sense now?

  • A song that makes you cry: Love ballads always make me cry, especially if they're relevant to how I'm feeling at the time. Or songs about death make me sob like a wee babbie.

  • An Art Piece: Well, this is awkward. I don't actually have a clue about art,or care for it very much. I'm not one of these people who gets an abstract painting of a dot and a line....perhaps I just haven't found my niche yet.

  • Fancy tickler: Cadburys chocolate dipped into tea on a cold day. If you haven't tried it do so, immediately.

Once again, please do join in if you have a spare few minutes by writing your own answers in the comment section! Or even on facebook!

Love ya lots like jelly tots, but not as much as vodka shots,

Aila Maritz xox

p.s. I have absolutely no idea why the second half of this post is underlined and I don't know hwo to change it, sorry if it's annoying!

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